Tuesday, 1 March 2011

Susan Hiller Exhibition

I went to the Susan Hiller Exhibition yesterday after a day in the studio, i'm a big fan of her work and have used her as an inspiring artist in some of my other projects, some of her work i can link perfectly into my FMP.
I especially loved the speaker room, visually so eye-catching, it's layout, overall sound and eerie atmosphere in he dark room.
After god knows how many times searching through all these speakers, all these different languages, all different tones i came across an American guy explaining a traumatic atmosphere, i stand there inbetween this mist of speakers, listening to this one man telling me an experience of him. I mentally take a picture, such an amazing piece. almost overwhelming.

Another peice i loved and well linked into my research development, the starting point of my Final Major Project was this peice, they caught my eye straight away, their structure, i think the fact that the piece is so tedious not so much visually however in the making just makes you appreciate in more, well personally it does with me, also the was a knitting/experimenting with wool and rope wall piece which has such structure, well thought out and intriguing. 

And one last one i forgot to mention, i'm a little OCD myself so the mini water bottle was captivating, i loved it! Every bottle was tiny, you could only imagine how much time and patience was put into this to create such a large amount of different waters. An adorable piece, the concept behind it is also intriguing.
Susan Hiller
The Too of Water: Homage to Joseph Beuys (1969 - 2010)
Courtesy Timothy Taylor Gallery, London © Susan Hiller. Photo: Todd White Art Photography
Feltlined cabinet, felt squares and bottles of holy water

'Susan Hiller: In her mixed-media installations and video works, Susan Hiller's art journeys through the intangible landscapes of imagination, dreams and memories, with subjects as diverse as supernatural experiences, dying languages, psychoanalysis and cultural history. As her forthcoming Tate survey exhibition reveals, Hiller enjoys exploring the seductive or trouble gaps between word and image and between sound and text '

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